9-year-old boy became a lecturer of history

Generally, a teacher or lecturer older will have more experience. However, a child as young as 9 years are able to become teachers at the university.Vitaly Nechaev, this boy from Ukraine became a history lecturer Cherkassy  at National University because his tremendous knowledge about the world.Nechaev even make the students amazed because his memory is remarkable. Additionally, language skills Nechaev also does not lose much from actual professors.

This little boy has a penchant for reading books on the history and geography encyclopedia, this makes Nechaev able to remember the history of Kievan Rus, an area taken over the kingdom of Inner Mongolia in 1237.

Nechaev's mother, said her son is no different from other children. In fact, he was worried because his son late to speak. He also revealed that his son is very fond of playing computer games and studying a lot of things about history.

Nechaev teacher was also amazed by the boy, Nechaev always wanted to know, and never miss a lesson despite his weak condition.

In 2012, the President of Ukraine Victor Yanukovich gave watches to Nechaev because intelligence is the name of Ukraine.

Beyonce on Epic Movie

Beyonce Knowles will be the voice in the new 3D animated film made ​​by 20th Century Fox Animation and Blue Sky Studios, Epic. In the film, Beyonce will play Queen Tara.

Some other famous names who became the voice include Colin Farrell as Ronin, Josh Hutcherson as Nod, Amanda Seyfried as Mary Katherin, and Steven Tyler as Nim Galuu.

The film is directed by Chris Wedge who also worked on Ice Age. Epic story of a teenage girl who surprisingly was in a secret place in the universe.

This story about a young girl named Mary Katherine lives in a cabin in the woods with her father and dog. Her father, Professor Bomba, has long studied a group of warriors who live in the forest and protect it as guardians of good. He often will go into the forest and survey them.

One day, the professor does not return from a hike in the forest, so Mary Katherine sets out to look for him. Hours later, she comes upon a group of glowing, falling leaves. Catching one of them, she is suddenly shrunken down. In her minuscule state, she discovers the group of warriors Prof. Bomba has studied, who are known as the Leafmen. Soon she is forced to assist them in a war against forces of evil known as the Boggans and their villainous leader Mandrake, while trying to find out how to return home.

Rurouni Kenshin Live Action (Samurai X)

Who does not know the anime samurai x? anime which tells the story of a battosai named Himura Kenshin. Samurai X or Rurouni Kenshin, manga were released from 1994 to 1999 was one of the titles the phenomenal work of Nobuhiro Watsuko. Until now this manga has been adapted into various forms of media. The last few months have just release the movie Rurouni Kenshin Live Action.  In short, the story revolves around the main character, Himura Kenshin (Takeru Sato), also referred to often as Hitokiri Battosai. He fought during the terrible Bakumatsu wars in Japan as a highly trained killer, hence his name of Hitokiri Battosai, and his skill was so great that he became legendary.

Upon the end of the revolution, he chooses to turn his back on killing people and disappears into anonymity. He now seeks to live life in the new Meiji era without needing to kill anyone with his sword, represented by the fact that he now wields a Sakabato-a reverse bladed katana. Along the way he meets several new allies and friends, while coming against new enemies and old ones. His new found purpose and meaning in life is challenged every step of the way.

This film is produced by Warner Bros Japan. Staring Takeru Sato as Himura Kenshin, the Japanese actor and the entire cast did a great job in the acting department. 
Sato Takeru makes the perfect Himura Kenshin: from his small, lithe frame to his speed and agility, from the reddish tinge of his hair to the way he says "Oro?" (Kenshin's famous catchphrase).

Takeru’s Kenshin really toes the line between goofy Kenshin and Battosai-Kenshin, and he does it so effortlessly that you really believe in him in the role. Takei’s Kaoru is given less to do, but her importance to the story is so integral and she does it so effortlessly that you are really capable of believing and understanding the reason why Kenshin chooses her, and why she manages to be so important to the story. Kenshin and Kaoru and their relationship and story made and carried the manga for me, and they do so in the movie while being incredibly real and effortless in their roles.

The movie itself is phenomenal both as a stand alone samurai/action film, as well as a movie adaptation of an anime. Needless to say, this movie deserves the huge rave it’s been getting worldwide.

The action is amazing, as the Director Keishi Otomo himself refused to use CGI. He asked all his actors to do their own stunts, and got a Hong Kong choreographer to help choreograph the fight scenes, so that results in extraordinary beautiful fight scenes where we get to see the actors in the raw. The fight scenes are reminiscent of all the great martial arts movies in the past where the fighting is just beautiful and glorious and feels real.

There are even several moments where I knew they had pulled the manga out and copied that image visually onto the screen. In closing, the costume design, action, story, pacing were all phenomenal. The whole cast was outstanding, and well cast in their roles. It's very recomended film for you that like action movie.

Pregnant Dress of Kate Middleton

Kate Middleton is the celebrities who always look stunning in any setting. Even when pregnant kate still look stylist. View of this one might be one of the most riveting moment the Duchess of Cambridge

Kate Middleton (sources : kapanlagi.com)

Just look at the appearance of the wife of Prince William is currently present in one of the event held at the National Portrait Gallery on Tuesday (23/4). With the pregnancy has reached six months, she was still beautiful with the fashion style in the 1950s.

Emilia Wickstead dress cocktail design is clear indeed makes it look elegant. Kate's body still remained slim also be one of the factors that reinforce its charm.

Fairly simple appearance is all the more amazing in high heels with matching color. Alloy accessories such as earrings and rings must also be mandatory that it can not be abandoned. 

Despite being pregnant, she stays slim body, this makes it more spectacular despite appearing modest. This makes many women more jealous of Kate Middleton appearance. 

The world's best dressed woman : Michelle Obama

Michelle Obama (sources : ibtimis.com)

Her graciousness puts Michelle Obama as the best dressed woman in the world. Even his fashion sense often equated with Jackie Kennedy.

For celebrities, fashion is not just wrapping the body. Fashion represents a lot of things associated with it. This seems to realize true by Michelle Obama. Choice in dress often praised, even he got the title as the best dressed woman in the world.

"When thinking about Michelle Obama, I remember how she supports young designers and how she was so comfortable with color and texture. This is a metaphor brilliant for the diversity of America in the 21st century," said Carmela Spinelli, Chairman of the Savannah College of Art and Design's Fashion Department.

"Over the next 50 or 100 years, people will understand the present era through photographs. Same pillbox hat worn by Jackie Kennedy, mewalili 1960s for us now," said Nicole.

Michelle and Jackie fashion taste is often equated. Jackie Kennedy is also known as the first lady as well as a fashion icon, similar to those seen on Michelle now.   

Woman Behind Obama, Michelle Obama

Michelle LaVaughn Robinson Obama is an American lawyer and writer. She is the wife of the 44th and current President of the United States, Barack Obama, and the first African-American First Lady of the United States.(wikipedia)

Michelle Obama is a woman who managed to support her husband, Obama. When Barack Obama becoming career soar by announcing himself as a candidate for President of the United States, his wife, Michelle Obama, keep both feet grounded to the earth.

Michelle Obama can always make Obama calm in tense conditions. When appearing at the 2004 Democratic Conversion, Obama gave a speech and gait to announce his career in the arena of higher national. At that time, Barack stomach suddenly felt nauseous. his body a little dazed, and Michelle Obama deftly caught and kept him calm. Michelle hugged him tightly and his eyes staring intently, when Barack wants to cancel his speech plan.

"Do not make a mess all, friends!' said Michelle, while changing the tension with a laugh. ago, Barack had resumed his speech. 

That's a classic style of Michelle Obama, who remained upright female figure facing the reality of speaking frankly, like humor, and persistent character, so as to make him stay flat on the earth at the same time making it a real figure.

"Barack Obama is a senator. His profile is so famous for. However, as the saying goes, as high as a kite flying in the sky still need legs that make it stand on earth. She is Michelle," said Avis La Velle, a consultant, friend, national press secretary Bill Clinton as the presidential election of 1992.  
Michelle is so important figure in the career of Barack Obama. without approval Michelle, Obama probably will not advance in the presidential nomination. Even before Obama declared officially went up in the United States presidential election in the Democratic Convention in 2004, he made ​​a deal with his wife first.

Michelle approval is very important because this is the decision of a mother who would have an adverse impact on couples who have two daughters.It is not separated from the personality Michelle careful in every decision that is taken into account and would like to know all the risks.

French First Lady Admired Michelle Obama

French first lady, Valerie Trieweiler met with the wife of the President of the United States (U.S.), Michelle Obama  for the first time at the White House, Saturday (19/5) local time. At that time, a meeting was also held between the wife of the head of the G8 members. Regarding his meeting with the U.S. First Lady, Trieweiler was deeply impressed with the figure of Michelle.

"She (Michelle) is the only person who managed to make me amazed, all my life. Her existence truly remarkable and She has an amazing charisma. She also began his political career", Praise Trierweiler.

Furthermore, the 47-year-old woman, grateful for the warm welcome given by Michelle to her. Shee also reiterated that she would continue her career as a journalist, despite being a French Lady.

"I did stop being a political journalist, that's for sure, but I'll still continue my journalism career," She said, as she expressed her plans to combine her career in the media with her ​​role as First Lady. 

(sources : http://news.detik.com) 

Obama and His Family

Besides became President, Obama is a great Father. He loving his two daughter Sasha and Malia. We can see that from Obama and his Family daily Photo. The Obama is a reflection of what black families represent love, affection, strength, and power. What a wonderfull family. Ok, let's take a look their daily photo. 




1. Change will not come if we wait for some other person or some other time. We are the ones we've been waiting for. We are the change that we seek.


2.  America and Islam are not exclusive and need not be in competition. Instead, they overlap, and share common principles of justice and progress, tolerance and the dignity of all human beings.


3.  My job is not to represent Washington to you, but to represent you to Washington.


4. There is not a liberal America and a conservative America - there is the United States of America. There is not a black America and a white America and latino America and asian America - there's the United States of America.


5.  We need to steer clear of this poverty of ambition, where people want to drive fancy cars and wear nice clothes and live in nice apartments but don't want to work hard to accomplish these things. Everyone should try to realize their full potential.


6.  Cutting the deficit by gutting our investments in innovation and education is like lightening an overloaded airplane by removing its engine.



7.  A good compromise, a good piece of legislation, is like a good sentence; or a good piece of music. Everybody can recognize it. They say, "Huh. It works. It makes sense."


8.  I don't oppose all wars. What I am opposed to is a dumb war. What I am opposed to is a rash war.


9.  It was the labor movement that helped secure so much of what we take for granted today. The 40-hour work week, the minimum wage, family leave, health insurance, Social Security, Medicare, retirement plans. The cornerstones of the middle-class security all bear the union label.


10.  What I worry about would be that you essentially have two chambers, the House and the Senate, but you have simply, majoritarian, absolute power on either side. And that's just not what the founders intended.


(Sources : http://www.top10-best.com)

Letters to Obama Contained Ricin

The FBI has launched a hunt for the person responsible for sending letters laced with the deadly poison ricin to President Obama and a Mississippi senator. 

The Secret Service said that the letters, which were both intercepted at a mail screening facility in Maryland on Tuesday, contained a 'suspicious substance' which was later confirmed to be ricin, a toxic component derived from castor beans and can be fatal when ingested.

The mailings to Obama and Wicker were related, based on the postmarks and the identical language of the enclosed letters, according to an FBI operations bulletin reviewed by Reuters.

The letters included the phrase, "To see a wrong and not expose it, is to become a silent partner to its continuance," and were signed, "I am KC and I approve this message."

The envelopes both bore postmarks from Memphis, Tennessee, and were dated April 8. Memphis Mayor A.C. Wharton pointed out in a statement, however, that this does not mean the letters originated in that city.

An aide to Wharton explained that many areas near Memphis also are included in its postmark - including some in neighboring northern Mississippi, Wicker's state.

For Washingtonians, the situation was unsettlingly reminiscent of events of nearly 12 years ago. Then letters containing anthrax spores were mailed to the Washington offices of two senators and to media outlets in New York and Florida, not long after the September 11, 2001, attacks in New York and Washington.

The FBI said White House operations were not affected by the latest scare. It noted that filters at a second government mail screening facility had "preliminarily tested positive for ricin this morning" and mail from that facility was also being tested.

What is Ricin?

Ricin is a toxic substance that can be produced easily and cheaply from castor beans. As little as 500 micrograms, an amount the size of the head of a pin, can kill an adult. There is no test for exposure and no antidote.The beans can be safely made in to castor oil, but ricin is a part of the waste 'mash' from the oil production. It can be made into a powder, a mist or a pellet and is poisonous if inhaled, injected, or ingested. 

Ricin gets inside the cells of a person’s body and prevents the cells from making proteins they need. Without the proteins, cells die. It can cause respiratory, gastrointestinal and circulatory symptoms and can lead to death 36 to 72 hours after exposure. Chewing the beans can also release the harmful substance. 

The speed of its effect depends on the means of exposure. There is no antidote.
The drug was popularly referenced in AMC's cult show, 'Breaking Bad.' Protagonist Walter White poisons a small child with the substance, placing the blame on another character.
Experts say it is more effective for use against individuals than as a weapon of mass destruction.
Ricin was used in the 1978 assassination of Bulgarian dissident Georgi Markov. The author, who had defected nine years earlier, was jabbed by the tip of an umbrella while awaiting a bus in London and died four days later.But Dr. Eric Toner of the Center for Biosecurity at the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center told NBC News that he doubted a sophisticated ricin had been used - and that a homemade batch would be unlikely to make anyone ill.

'It is not actually clear you can get anybody sick from ricin-containing letters,' he said, adding it needed to be ingested or injected.
'It is easy to make some ricin. You get some castor beans, make it in your kitchen, you can produce a batch of stuff that has some ricin in it. It is not very pure. It is not very potent. As near as we can tell it has never actually made anyone sick.' (CDC)

(sources : http://www.dailymail.co.uk, www.reuters.com, http://edition.cnn.com)

Toxic Mail Attacks Obama

Barack Obama has also been targeted with a poisoned letter as bomb and bio scares spread across Washington after Monday’s bombings in Boston, echoing 9/11 and anthrax attacks in the country in 2001 that killed thousands. 
Even though letters and packages sent to the US president and members of Congress are regularly checked for suspicious substances at two secret postal locations near Washington, the heightened state of alert prompted by the bombings this week in Boston has reportedly led to the 'positive identification' of two letters, one addressed to Obama and the other to Republican Mississippi Senator Roger Wicker, for containing the lethal toxin ricin, according to major US media outlets.

At least five other senators were reportedly forced into an emergency mode for receiving “suspicious” packages at their offices in Washington or their home states, “prompting evacuations of their staff and lock downs of many more, ” according to a “Washington Post” report on Thursday.

Furthermore, US police ordered thousand of congressional staffers and aides not to leave their offices after a bag was reportedly sighted at the entranceway of a Senate office building, as a bomb squad raced towards the Capitol Hill. Two hours later, however , the package, as well as two letters delivered to the officers of two senators, “was cleared, ” the report adds.

“The ricin scare, ” The Post contends, “had spilled into public view in dramatic fashion early Wednesday, less than two days after the deadly bombings at the Boston Marathon and bringing with it an eerie echo of the waves of fear that followed the terrorist attacks of Sept. 11, 2001. ”

At the same time, the FBI, a domestic US intelligence and investigative agency, has announced the arrested of a Mississippi man, identified as Paul Kevin Curtis, as the suspect in the poisoned letter mailings, adding that he has also sent a third ricin-contaminated letter to “a Mississippi justice official. ”

Although US authorities claim that Curtis is “well known to law enforcement as a frequent letter-writer to lawmakers, ” American media reports and law-enforcement officials have not elaborated on his background and his issues or concerns.

The letters sent to Obama and Wicker were reportedly similar in content and the origin of their postmark, Memphis, Tennessee. They read, "To see a wrong and not expose it, is to become a silent partner to its continuance. " Both of them were signed, "I am KC and I approve this message. "
Despite all the official frenzy, however , US media reports clearly indicate, citing official sources, that positive testing of the letters sent to Obama and Wicker are not yet definitive.

Late Wednesday, according to the Post report, FBI stated that is was still waiting for a “final word on whether the letters to Obama and Wicker definitely contained ricin. ”
“The initial tests can be inaccurate, ” the report underlines, adding that in 2004 a letter sent to a top US senator was initially believed to contain ricin but additional tests proved it was harmless.
Furthermore, the actual statement cites an additional police force recognized because stating more screening in order to confirm the actual existence the actual dangerous real estate agent, “using neon antibodies, chromatography as well as looking for GENETIC MATERIAL, ” may take one to two days.

The developments come as no suspects have been arrested or identified for the Boston Marathon bombings. News reports, however , cite US authorities as saying they are looking for one or two individuals sighted in surveillance videos.

(sources :http://www.presstv.ir)

Obama on Boston Blasts

President Obama vowed Monday night to get to the bottom of who is behind a pair of deadly explosions near the finish line of the Boston Marathon, but he warned Americans not to jump to any conclusions.

"We still do not know who did this, or why, and people shouldn't jump to conclusions before we have all the facts," Obama said in a brief statement to reporters hours after the deadly explosions at the iconic American sporting event. "But make no mistake, we will get to the bottom of this."
He added: "We will find out who did this. We'll find out why they did this. Any responsible individuals, any responsible groups will feel the full weight of justice."

While Obama cautioned against jumping to conclusions about the motive for the explosions, a senior administration official said the incident was "clearly an act of terror and will be approached as an act of terror."

"We don't yet know who carried out this attack, and a thorough investigation will have to determine whether it was planned and carried out by a terrorist group, foreign or domestic," said the official, who was not authorized to speak publicly and spoke on the condition of anonymity.

President Obama

Barack Obama is the 44th and current president of the United States, and the first African American to serve as U.S. president. First elected to the presidency in 2008, he won a second term in 2012.

A nation that in living memory struggled violently over racial equality will have as its next president a 47-year-old, one-term U.S. senator born of a Kenyan father and Kansan mother. He is the first president elected from Chicago and the first to rise from a career in Illinois politics since Abraham Lincoln emerged from frontier obscurity to lead the nation through the Civil War and the abolition of slavery.

Obama was born Aug. 4, 1961, in Hawaii.
Barack Obama was born to a white American mother, Ann Dunham, and a black Kenyan father,Barack Obama Sr., who were both young college students at the University of Hawaii. When his father left for Harvard, she and Barack stayed behind, and his father ultimately returned alone to Kenya, where he worked as a government economist. Barack's mother remarried an Indonesian oil manager and moved to Jakarta when Barack was six. He later recounted Indonesia as simultaneously lush and a harrowing exposure to tropical poverty. He returned to Hawaii, where he was brought up largely by his grandparents. The family lived in a small apartment - his grandfather was a furniture salesman and an unsuccessful insurance agent and his grandmother worked in a bank - but Barack managed to get into Punahou School, Hawaii's top prep academy. His father wrote to him regularly but, though he traveled around the world on official business for Kenya, he visited only once, when Barack was ten.

Obama attended Columbia University, but found New York's racial tension inescapable. He became a community organizer for a small Chicago church-based group for three years, helping poor South Side residents cope with a wave of plant closings. He then attended Harvard Law School, and in 1990 became the first African-American editor of the Harvard Law Review. He turned down a prestigious judicial clerkship, choosing instead to practice civil-rights law back in Chicago, representing victims of housing and employment discrimination and working on voting-rights legislation. He also began teaching at the University of Chicago Law School, and married Michelle Robinson, a fellow attorney. Eventually he was elected to the Illinois state senate, where his district included both Hyde Park and some of the poorest ghettos on the South Side.

In 2004, Obama won the Democratic primary for the U.S. Senate. That summer, he delivered the keynote speech at the 2004 Democratic National Convention. His opponent in the senate race was supposed to Jack Ryan. Alan Keyes replaced Ryan on the ballot, and in the general election, Obama won easily, grabbing 70 percent of the vote.